Friday, March 28, 2008

Beijing hotels: Showcasing the colors of life

Beijing is a modern and upcoming town its main attractions are towering skyscrapers and fashionable streets. Even though the city has 21st century vigor and vitality compared to hip hop Beijing hotels and restaurants ‘old Beijing’ is very much present equipped with tea stalls and they are known to serve in Chinese traditional manner. I had a great time walking down on the streets of Beijing and sipping traditional Chinese tea. Other than that temple fairs, Beijing’s Hutong and courtyard are all attractions of ‘old Beijing’. For entertainment purpose Peking Opera is the one I most sought out for. Adding these specialties in my Beijing tour mostly dominated by sightseeing modern Beijing gives me an experience of appreciation in my heart. The ancient city has a mysterious aura elegance and grace. Beijing hotels presents the exquisite hospitality and warmth. Before visiting this city I was actually quite worried about reserving hotel rooms in China.

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